Natural Person certificate documentation
To apply for a certificate of Natural Person you must present:
For Spanish nationals: Original and valid ID or Passport
For foreigners:
- Foreign Identity Card (TIE)
- Certificate of Registration of European Union Citizen
- European Union Citizen Family Card
- Passport
NOTE: If the NIE is justified with the communication from the General Directorate of Police, it must be accompanied by the National Identity Document in the case of EU citizens, or passport, both for EU and non-EU citizens.
Documentation certificate of Legal Representative of a Legal Entity
Documentation related to the entity:
Commercial companies and other legal entities whose registration is mandatory in the Commercial Registry:
- Public deed of incorporation. Authentic copy in which the inscription in the Mercantile Registry appears.
- NIF card.
Associations, Foundations and Cooperatives not registrable in the Mercantile Register:
- Resolution of inscription in the competent public registry.
- NIF card.
Civil societies and other legal entities:
- Public or private document of incorporation. If it is a private document, it must contain the seal of a public body (e.g., Autonomous Community, Tax Agency, etc.).
- NIF card.
Documentation relating to the legal representative:
- Valid DNI, NIE or residence card. If the NIE is justified with the communication of the General Directorate of Police, it must be accompanied by the National Identity Document in case of EU citizens, or passport, both for EU and non-EU citizens.
- For administrators of mercantile companies, an authentic copy of the deed of appointment, in which the inscription in the Mercantile Registry is recorded.
- For representatives of Associations, Foundations and Cooperatives not inscribable in the Mercantile Registry, public or private document of appointment showing the duration of the position and resolution of inscription of the appointment in the competent public registry.
- For representatives of civil societies and other legal entities, public or private document of appointment stating the duration of the position.
Certificate of Legal Representative of an Entity without Legal Personality Documentation
Documentation related to the entity:
- Entities that must be registered in a public or special registry shall submit, in addition to the application, the certificate or simple note accrediting their registration in the registry, issued on the date of application or within the previous fifteen days. In particular, the following documents shall be provided:
- Investment funds, venture capital funds, mortgage securities market regulation funds, mortgage securitization funds, asset securitization funds, investment guarantee funds and pension funds: certificate of registration in the corresponding registry of the Ministry that holds these powers or of the National Securities Market Commission in which the identification of the fund's managing identity is stated.
- Communities owning common land: certificate of registration of the statutes in the registry of the Ministry that holds these powers or, if applicable, of the corresponding registry of the Autonomous Community.
- o Temporary joint ventures under their special tax regime: certificate of registration in the special registry of temporary joint ventures. It will not be necessary to provide this documentation when the State Agency of Tax Administration intervenes as identification and registration authority in the issuance of the electronic certificate.
- The entities that do not have to be registered in any public or special registry will present, together with the application, the public deeds, contracts, statutes, agreements or any other documents that may accredit their constitution, validity and identification of the members that comprise them.
Documentation relating to the legal representative:
- The representation of the entity shall be accredited by means of notarized documents that accredit the powers of representation of the applicant of the certificate, or by means of special power of attorney granted for this purpose.
- The representation of the entity may also be justified with the private documents of designation of representative in each case. In particular, the representation may be accredited by means of the following documents:
- Document of designation of the representative of the deceased estate, signed by all the heirs, with expression of the name, surnames and DNI or passport number of the representative, when he/she has not been designated judicial administrator or executor with full powers of administration.
- Copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Owners in which the President of the Community was appointed, in the case of communities under horizontal property regime.
- Document signed by a number of members that is sufficient in accordance with the provisions of article 398 of the Civil Code to represent the majority of the interests of the entity, in the case of communities of goods and civil societies without legal personality, in which the person that represents it is designated to request the certificate.
- For administrators of mercantile companies, an authentic copy of the deed of appointment, in which the inscription in the Mercantile Registry is recorded.
Documentation certificate of legal representative of sole and joint administrators.
Documentation related to the entity:
This type of certificate is only provided for corporations and limited liability companies:
- Public deed of incorporation. Authentic copy showing the registration in the Mercantile Registry.
- NIF card.
- Valid DNI, NIE or residence card. If the NIE is justified with the communication of the General Directorate of Police, it must be accompanied by the National Identity Document in case of EU citizens, or passport, both for EU and non-EU citizens.
- For administrators of mercantile companies, an authentic copy of the deed of appointment as sole administrator or joint administrator, in which the registration in the Mercantile Registry is recorded.