Qualified electronic certificates


We offer you the following Qualified Electronic Certificates


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Ponemos a su disposición los siguientes Certificados Electrónicos Cualificados


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Get to know the characteristics of our Qualified Electronic Certificates


1Legal certainty
The certificates issued by ANF AC are an "identity card" that allows their holders to carry out all kinds of electronic transactions before the Public Administrations (the DNI, NIE or NIF number of the holder must be included) and in the private sector, always with legal force equivalent to acts held in person or by hand.
International use, interoperable throughout the EU and third countries in LATAM with interoperability agreement.
  • Operational on any O.S.: Linux, Mac OS, Windows and Android.
  • Can be used in any browser.
  • Commercial applications: Adobe, Outlook, Thunderbird, and others.
The certificate incorporates a key usage extension that enables signature operations requiring "non-repudiation". It is issued with the consideration of qualified. The key pair can be generated in QSCD device, therefore it has the capacity to elaborate qualified electronic signatures...
The certificate incorporates a key usage extension that enables secure access to computer information systems and computer applications in general. This certificate allows linking signature verification data to the subscriber and confirming his identity.

Different modalities of delivery and access to our certificates

Centralized Qualified Certificates
Qualified Certificates with key distribution
Qualified Certificates in eSign devices
Qualified Electronic Hardware Certificate QSCD