Who is ANF-AC?


ANF Certification Authority

Founded in 1981 as the Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes (ANF). In 1997 it created the R+D+i department was created in 1997, which acquired its own legal personality in 2000, currently ANF Certification Authority.

We are a Spanish private equity firm and we have never needed to raise capital, nor have we ever capital raising, nor have we ever needed to request financial resources from third parties.

This keeps us independent and indebted only to the client, which allows us to develop a long-term vision.

We focus our activity in three business areas:
  • Development and commercialization of electronic signature and digital identification technology.
  • Consulting, auditing and implementation of TIC projects.
  • Development, administration and operation of public key infrastructures (PKI).

We are not a startup, more than twenty years of service endorse our strength and ability to adapt to the liquid reality we live in. Our unconventional thinking style has paid off.

We have achieved full technological autonomy. We have the largest portfolio of solutions and products and products in the market, all of them developed with the most advanced technology and designed to guarantee legal compliance and the most demanding technical standards.

Our natural market is the European Union. We have successfully taken on the most demanding and advanced regulatory the most demanding and advanced regulatory framework on the planet. We are the first CA to obtain 100% of eIDAS accreditations.

Our pillars

The fruit of effort and vision

We provide highly specialised electronic services and regulatory compliance, aimed at guaranteeing reliable digitalisation that allows our clients to carry out electronic transactions and procedures with full guarantees and full legal effectiveness.

We are a manufacturer. Our solutions are interoperable with any other PCSC. We adapt to customer needs and provide support without intermediaries.

We have grown based on our results. This keeps us independent and beholden only to the customer.

Many of our products have been developed to meet our own needs.

Mission and vision


Confidence builders

We take responsibility for providing tools and technology to ensure the security and legal effectiveness of electronic transactions.

Our entity and services are independently audited annually by a CAB eIDAS and auditors of the highest prestige.

ANF AC is the only Qualified Provider to have 100% of the Qualified Trust Services accredited.

We have the largest engineering team with expertise in PKI solutions.

International multidisciplinary team.

We invest our efforts and resources in product development and continuous investment in R+D+I..

We intelligently manage our resources to offer our customers the best product..

Our company

Legal personality


Corporate Headquarters:
Paseo de la Castellana,
79 28046 Madrid (Spain)

93 266 16 14 (calls from Spain)
+32 933 935 946 (international calls)

+34 933 031 611

E-mail address

Constituted under the Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March 2002 and registered with the Ministry of the Interior under the national number 171.443.

ANF AC has been assigned the private enterprise code (SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code 18332) by the international organisation IANA. The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) of ANF AC follows the guidelines of Regulation [EU] 910/2014 of the European Parliament, and the Spanish Law 59/2003 on Electronic Signature.