Slide Every day someone signs something that means everything Be one of those who do it with legal effectiveness Electronic signature Slide Only European Entity with 100% accredited certification services Always one step ahead Check it out Slide Certified Electronic Delivery Traditional methods are history Learn more


A system specialising in the centralisation of notifications from the Public Administrations, simplifying the process for professional offices in a single place.

  Centralized Custody of Certificates

  Qualified Certificates

 Surveillance and Management

Slide Every day someone signs something that means everything Be one of those who do it with legal effectiveness Electronic signature Slide Only European Entity with 100% accredited certification services Always one step ahead Check it out Slide Certified Electronic Delivery Traditional methods are history Learn more

Slide Are your products with an energy labelregistered
with EPREL?
Obtain your electronic seal certificate and comply with the requirements of the European Commission for identity verification at EPREL See more
Slide Do you carry out procedures with the
Unified Court of Patents?
Obtain your UPC Electronic Certificate and comply with the requirements of the "Unified Patent Court" See more

The only PKI platform in the European Union with 100% accredited services

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Let's revolutionise the market.

All ANF AC solutions and products have API version for integration into the solutions of our PARTNERS.

We want to be your trusted technology partner. Cutting-edge technology and service vocation is our best description.
Let's create synergy..

Serve your customers' needs online

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It is only through specialisation that it is possible to face the dynamics of regulatory and technological change.

Our franchise is a shared business model.
We provide you with officially accredited products and services of high interest to your customers.

logos ANF AC

Protection of personal data


Certifying Entity

ANF AC is a Certifying Entity of Data Protection Delegates accredited by the AEPD and certified UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 by ENAC counting the AEPD - DPD Scheme.

Welcome to ANF AC

Call for DPD exams

ANF AC conducts monthly certification exams for Data Protection Officers in Madrid and Barcelona. Book your place!

Get your environmental management certificate

We are certified in environmental management

Based on the ISO 14046:2014 reference framework.

Sign to sign
The real electronic signature

Electronic signature and eIDAS services to streamline all your processes. Forget about travelling, simplify and automate the signing and control of documents legally and securely.

Learn more

Sign to sign
The real electronic signature

Electronic signature and eIDAS services to streamline all your processes. Forget about travelling, simplify and automate the signing and control of documents legally and securely.

Learn more

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