Electronic signature Blog
4 December 2019
Remote Contract Signing: Save time and money, gain in efficiency
7 September 2021
Types of qualified certificates
- Qualified digital certificate for electronic signature. It is a certificate issued to a natural person who can intervene on their own behalf or as a legal representative of a third party. These certificates may include a professional degree and even a professional association to which it is attached. In any case, they are still qualified certificates for electronic signature, although commercially some issuers put other denominations. E.g.
- Collegiate Certificate
- Corporate certificate
- Company certificate
- Legal person representative.
- Representative for sole and joint administrators.
- Representative of an entity without legal personality.
- Public Employee. It is issued to government employees, labor personnel, statutory and authorized personnel at the service of the Public Administration, public bodies or entities of public law, in the exercise of their functions for the subscriber of the certificate.
- the identity of the signer (staff at the service of the Public Administration), and
- the identity of the Administration, public bodies or entities of public law where the signer exercises his/her powers, provides his/her services, or develops his/her activity.
When the intervention is as a legal representative, the following modalities are recognized in Spain:
They are electronic signature means issued in accordance with Law 40/2015 and Law 18/2011, which jointly confirm:
- Qualified certificate for electronic seal. It is a certificate issued to a legal person. This type of certificate are issued for the creation of electronic stamps that are issued in automated systems of high availability. It allows authenticating documents issued unattended . In Spain, the following modalities are recognized:
- Electronic seal . issued to private sector organizations.
- AAPP electronic seal. It is issued for the creation of electronic stamps of Public Administration, body or entity of public law, in accordance with Law 40/2015, and Law 18/2011, of July 5, for the identification and authentication of the exercise of the competence in administrative proceedings/ judicial action of the organizational unit belonging to an Administration, body or public entity
- PSD2. This type of certificate has been created for regulatory compliance with the PSD2, Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on Payment Services, focused on the banking sector and financial services market.
- PSD2 QCeSEAL: For entity identification.
- Qualified certificate for secure server. It is a technical certificate requested by a legal person in which one or more DNS addresses are included.
The qualified website authentication certificate is used to identify and ensure secure communication between computer systems, allows secure SSL or TLS communications. In Spain, the following modalities are recognized: - SSL EV. For all types of private organizations
- Electronic Headquarters for AA.PP.
- PSD2. This type of certificate has been created for regulatory compliance with the PSD2, Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on Payment Services, focused on the banking sector and the market for financial and payment services.
- PSD2 QWAC: For web platform identification