ANF AC Group is now a Digitising Agent
17 March 2022
Signing a contract with an OTP or PIN invalidates the agreement.
26 January 2024
Unified Patent Court
How to authenticate into the CMS system?

After the last steps for the generation of the UPC agreement, the entry of EU Member States and the appointment of the judges constituting the court, the Unified Patent Court [UPC] announces a change in the authentication method for the CMS system, lastly updated as of November 11th 2022.See here
In order to establish a strong form of authentication and guarantee the integrity and identity of the users employing the CMS system, the UPC has introduced a series of technical requirements on the tools to be used in the process, that is, Qualified Electronic Certificates for Electronic Signature.
Among said requirements we find that the user must own a Certification for authentication inserted within a QSCD device, as well as a certificate for electronic signature allowing the realization of qualified electronic signatures. In ANF AC’s case, acquiring two certificates will not be necessary, as it will be possible to undergo the certification and signature with one single acquired certificate.
In case that they do now own the qualifies electronic certificate that UPC requires in order to enter the system, users will not be able to interact nor use it, as their operations will become blocked.
How may ANF AC help you?
ANF Certification Authority (ANF AC)being included in the EU’s TSL, is the first Qualified Trust Services Provider (QTSP) in the EU to own the 100% of the accredited Qualified Trust Services. Among our services, we are accredited to issue qualified certificates for electronic signature that are compatible with the requirements introduced by UPC to access the CMS system, in compliance with the eIDAS Regulation and ETSI EN 319 412.
The process to obtain them is easy, simple and fast. Besides, the obtained certificate will not only be useful before UPC but also it can be used to sign contracts and legal documents with the same validity as a handwritten signature, therefore broadening the scope of the service.
There are different ways to obtain them. We invite you to contact our Customer Service Department to determinate which is the optimal way of action for your organization. Moreover, ANF AC will advice you on what steps to take during the process of obtention and use..
You may contact us via:
- Telephone call at 932661614
- Sending an e-mail to info@anf.es
- Visiting our website: https://anf.es/certificado-electronico-upc/