Sign to sign
Signing documents has never been easier

ZERO paper, efficiency in 21st century business process management
Sign to Sign features
Advanced and qualified
- Temporary or permanent employment contracts
- Delivery documentation, delivery notes.
- Service contracting
- Provision of documentation for the formalisation of contracts
Qualified Certified
Electronic Delivery
- Collection of GDPR consents
- Direct evidence in court proceedings
- Contracting services
- Gathering of evidence of all events in the communication
- SMS multicanal / Whatsapp / email
- eBurofax and Certified Delivery
e Integrity
- File encryption
- Identification by qualified electronic certificate
- Interoperable with non-SigntoSign recipients
- Verification of completeness of documentation transmit
Want to know more?
Main features
Designed and developed by ANF AC
Consumption modalities:
Signing contracts telematically and/or in person
Full automation of management processes
Vertical integration into the company's technology infrastructure
Available in Android / IOS / Windows
Customisable with company branding
Intuitive, convenient and easy to use
Advanced, qualified and long-lasting Electronic Signature
100% automated
Vertical integration into company software and systems
Parameterisable and scalable
Customisable with company branding
Integration support by expert engineering team
Adaptable to any scenario and/or customer requirement