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Our achievements attest to our vision of the future. Our motto.

“Always one step ahead”

Explore our milestones through time

1981 1995 1997 1999 2002 2003 2004 2006 2008 2012 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020 2023 2005 2017 2021 WHAT NEW MILESTONES WILL WE ACHIEVE IN 2023?
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2023 2020 Strategic decisions. Start of market positioning In December, the Governing Board concludes the introspective period initiated in 2016.

After five years of intense work and reorganization of the company, it is considered that ANF AC has achieved and even exceeded the proposed objectives.

In order to face the national and international market with a fully business model, another strategic decision is taken, ANF Certification Authority SL is constituted to face the national and international market with a business model.
New edition of the Data Protection Delegate Course Book RGPD In December, once a revision and updating of the book has been completed and the layout has been finalized, the new edition of the book will be published. - SSL, Mozilla Root Store listing
- Inclusion in the PKI Consortium
- Publication of the new corporate website of ANF Autoridad de Certificación with new products, new contents and more interactive than ever.
2023 2020
New international milestone for ANF AC In November we successfully completed the eIDAS audits of the new services: qualified certified delivery and qualified long-term preservation of seals and electronic signatures. Inclusion in the TSL Spain List is requested.

ANF Autoridad de Certificación becomes the first trusted service provider in the EU to achieve 100% certification of eIDAS qualified services:

- Emission of electronic signature certificates.
- Emission of electronic seal certificates.
- Emission of SSL Secure Server certificates.
- Electronic time stamping.
- Electronic seal and signature validation service.
- Certified delivery services.
- Long-term preservation service for seals and electronic signatures.
eIDAS Services Advisory Council On October 1, APCSCE is officially appointed member of the Advisory Council for the Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain.
ANF AC assumes the representation of APCSCE.
PSD2 Certificates In June we passed the homologation process that enables us to issue PSD2 certificates in all its modalities: electronic seal and SSL secure server. Aimed to comply with the requirements of the Payment System Regulation (PSD2 compliance) in force since September 2019.

First PCSC in Spain to be homologated.
In April we passed the SPG audit against the international environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015.

The program of valuation and calculation of the benefits of using PKI technology begins. ANF AC will proceed to the issuance of environmental footprint certificates on:

- environmental footprint,
- greenhouse footprint,
- environmental degradation footprint,
- footprint energy consumption,
- cost savings.
Environmental Management In March ANF AC takes the initiative to promote the constitution of the Association of Qualified Trust Service Providers of Spain, assuming its Presidency.

On March 26 it is registered under number 99/2020/000568.
It is registered in the Transparency Register of the European Union.

APCSCE, nowadays groups most of the public and private PCSCs in Spain. It has actively participated in the approval of the new electronic signature law. Law 6/2020.
APCSE 2020
National novelty In March, after four years of research and development, the PKCS#11 and Minidriver CSP components were completed and passed the Microsoft certification tests. The homologation process begins in Microsoft's laboratories.

This middleware is the first universal component, interoperable with all electronic signature tokens.
Legal Snap Scan® Plus ANF AC Universal Middleware A new international milestone for ANF AC In March, the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT) issued a positive response to the binding consultation regarding the new procedure for the recovery of VAT on tickets (simplified invoices), designed and developed by ANF AC. Security Transfer In January, development of the highly secure file exchange system was completed. Incorporates state-of-the-art cryptographic technology. Use restricted to customers of our organization. 2020
2019 Biometric signature In December, the development of the biometric signature system was completed, with a low risk level Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPA).

The only system that meets 100% of the requirements established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Interoperable with Tablet and SmartPhone.
eBurofax® In November we successfully completed the eIDAS audits of the new services: qualified certified delivery and qualified long-term preservation of seals and electronic signatures. Inclusion in the TSL Spain List is requested. eIDAS Services In December, this technology is incorporated into the ANF AC's catalog of technological tools.

The register of eBurofax email addresses exceeds 5,000 large companies. The sender does not need to know the recipient's email address to be able to notify reliably.
National novelty 2019
July marks the end of the development of this platform that allows the management of qualified certificates of electronic signature in two modalities:

- QSCD qualified certificates.
- Certificates in key distribution.

Includes Tray Icon component for the exclusive management of the subscriber's certificates.
Sign to Sign® In September, we finalized the development of the legal management platform for electronic documents, signatures and certified deliveries. We started the implementation in the internal processes of our organization.

Sign to Sign® will not go into public operation until official accreditation of qualified delivery service and qualified preservation.

This platform uses the most advanced technology and is a milestone in platforms of these characteristics.
Centralized Certificates Platform 2019
In July the development of the ANF WSI CA component was completed. After making the use of NPAPI impossible, the java applets that had been used to sign through the browser were disabled.

ANF WSI CA allows signature processes to be carried out without the need for applets, extensions or plugins.

ANF AC has made this technology available to the EU DSS services.
July marks the end of the development of this platform that allows the management of qualified certificates of electronic signature in two modalities:

- QSCD qualified certificates.
- Certificates in key distribution.
Browser signature component Qualified remote electronic signature server Credential Platform In July, the development of this platform will be completed, allowing each organization to audit and apply its certificate security policy.
Centralized management of electronic signature certificates.
In June, the development of the components will be completed:

- Video PDF. Ability to perform video chat, encapsulate and play video and sound in PDF.
- Dynamic form. Ability for non-expert users to build PDF form templates.

First PCSC in Spain to include multimedia in PDF documents.
Automation Security Policy In June, our systems are enhanced with the implementation of dedicated linting servers and OCR technology.

- Security control of compliance with Baseline Requirements (BR) and EV Guidelines (EVG) of CA/B Forum.
- Management of the list of suspicious entities that are not authorized to issue ANF AC certificates.
- ETSI compliance security control in the issuance of electronic signature, electronic seal, and PSD2 certificates.
- Geographic registry management.

The development of the OCR reading component has been completed, and it is being put into operation as an automated reinforcement of the "human eye" control performed by the Issuance Ruling Officers (RDE).
SmartPDF National novelty 2019
Encryption in self-extracting The development of the Self Cipher component was completed in May. This component uses strong cryptography in compliance with the requirements of data protection legislation. The regulations prohibit the transmission of weakly encrypted files such as PDF or password compressed files.

The current problem with sending documents with strong encryption is that they require the installation or use of decryption software. Documents encrypted with Self Cipher encapsulate the decryption system, the receiver only needs to know the secret key.

First PCSC in Spain with this cryptographic capability.
Ecuador In May, after two years of suspension of activity due to legal uncertainty in the country, we reactivated our activity with official governmental accreditation.

The only EU PCSC accredited in Ecuador.
National novelty In April, based on the analysis of the country carried out by our Board of Directors, the decision was made to communicate to our partners and local customers our decision to stop our activity in Peru. The service will be maintained until the end of the subscribed contracts and the time necessary for customers to contract the services to new suppliers. Perú A strategic decision 2019
In February, the technological development for sending SMS messages and capturing audit traces, including the management of long messages, was completed. The implementation of a GPRS modem battery in our CPD was completed. Safe Box® In April the development of the signature, encryption and validation system in Shell Extension was completed.

This application makes it possible to perform any electronic signature process in any of the AdES XL modalities according to EU DSS, and strong encryption. Qualified validation and validation report of signatures and electronic seals.

Extremely intuitive procedure: select and right-click on any process.

It will be integrated into the ANF AC Middleware platform once certified by Microsoft.
Two Factor Authentication In February, the development of the secure single-use session key generation service was completed. Transmission through channels: SMS, push messages, WhatsApp. National novelty Short Message Service 2019
In September, the development of the processing, review and issuance of SSL secure server certificates in compliance with CAB / Forum - Mozilla standards was completed. Automated security measures are incorporated. Web Wraper In February this technology will be definitively included with the completion of the development of systems for the automatic management of WhatsApp communications and electronic notifications. Certification of Persons In February we passed the ENAC audit against the international standard of certification of persons in accordance with the Certification Scheme of the AEPD for Data Protection Officers, according to ISO/IEC 17024.

The program of valuation and calculation of the benefits of the use of PKI technology begins, which will allow the issuance of the ANF AC environmental footprint certificate.

Only PCSC certified in ISO/IEC 17024.
2018 Certified Training In October, our team of eIDAS / CAB Forum compliance experts undergo the TUvIT assessment tests for eIDAS auditors. All of them achieve the highest score and obtain the corresponding accreditation.
The Governing Board of ANF AC agrees to reactivate the accreditation process in CAB Forum - Mozilla.
2019 2018
My certificate In September, the development of the platform for the online processing of electronic signature certificates by end users was completed.

This is a Cloud service that allows subscribers to independently perform the necessary steps to obtain their certificate, allowing PIN selection, key pair generation, and preparation of a certificate request in accordance with PKCS#10.

The traditional Critical Access system is maintained for customers who prefer the desktop suite.
Cert Checker In July, the development of the Checker platform, a forensic system that includes all RFC and ETSI specifications related to electronic certificates, was completed. It automatically analyzes, detects regulatory non-compliance and issues an expert report. In March concludes the review process of ENAC and the AEPD. ANF AC is accredited as a Certification Entity of persons in accordance with the Certification Scheme of Data Protection Delegates of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. AR Manager Web In July, the development of the platform for certificate management by our on-site verification offices and registration authorities was completed. With its implementation, the AR Manager desktop application will be discontinued. AEPD-DPD Certification Scheme 2018 Tramitación de certificados electrónicos cualificados
Critical Access® In February, this desktop suite will be operational, allowing the processing of electronic certificates, their renewal and revocation, the creation of electronic signatures, encryption, secure erasure, validation and token management.

In addition, this application enables any type of AdES XL signature and strong encryption, qualified validation of signatures and electronic seals.

Critical Access is portable and pre-installed on our high capacity USB token.
CAB / Forum – Mozilla In September the review carried out by Mozilla of our application for approval, reveals significant inconsistencies in the policies of issuance of SSL certificates and hierarchy of certificates for TLS/SSL services.

The Governing Board of ANF AC assumes the lack of expert knowledge and weaknesses in the design of the computer systems developed for the processing and issuance of this type of SSL certificates.

It is agreed:

We assume and acknowledge our shortcomings.
First step for any improvement.
2018 -


Suspend the process initiated in Mozilla,

Create a training program, and

appoint a new legal and technical team to acquire the required expertise and improve our systems.
In September, the eLearning training campus will be put into operation. Developed using "open source" Moodle technology. It includes multiple specialization courses on legal and technical compliance.

ANF AC is registered in the State Register of Training Entities.

Subsidized training agreement is signed with FUNDAE, State Foundation for Employment Training.
Certified training In January, our team of ISO 17024 and ISO 27001 compliance experts undergo SPG's assessment tests for expert auditors in these standards. All of them achieve the maximum qualification and obtain the corresponding accreditation. Publication of the Data Protection
Delegate Course Book RGPD
In January, once its preparation and layout have been completed, it will be published and put on sale to the public through eCommerce channels and bookstores in Spain. 2017 ANF AC Campus 2018 2017
En marzo culminamos con éxito las auditorias eIDAS de los servicios:

- Certificados cualificados de firma electrónica.
- Certificados cualificados de sello electrónico.
- Certificados cualificados de Servidor Seguro SSL.
- Sellos cualificados de tiempo electrónico.

Se solicita la inclusión en la Lista TSL España.
Legal Snap Scan® 2.0 In June the new version 2.0 of the certified invoice digitalization system was approved by AEAT.

Legal Snap Scan® Plus 2.0 is the first solution that incorporates a dematerialization process that is not restricted to recognized scanners; dematerialization can be performed using any image capture tool, including Tablet and SmartPhone.

ANF AC is the only PCSC that has this technology.
eIDAS Services Novedad nacional 2017
Cloud Cloud In February, the migration process of most of our IT systems to the Cloud was completed. Two clusters are established: Google and Amazon. Our physical DPCs are maintained for systems that require the assembly of instruments such as HSM or GPRS modem, in addition, a passive infrastructure is created as a backup for the servers in Cloud operation.

This process has been developed after our systems technicians have undergone specialized training in Cloud, dockers, secure and redundant storage.
In February we joined the Global Compact Network of Spain (Global Compact) led by the UN, ANF AC assumes voluntarily and with full knowledge of what its commitment to the Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption implies. They enjoy universal consensus. An internal audit will be conducted annually to determine our compliance with ISO 26000.

In the same act, the ANF AC Governing Board agreed:

- analyze annually if our activity has been aligned to the approach required by the Triple Bottom Line. That is, an evaluation of the business processes and on the results obtained, based on three dimensions (social, environmental and economic).

- Considering that the peculiar circumstances of our activity sector, highly regulated and dynamized by regulatory changes, do not allow us to continue with the "Blue Ocean" philosophy that, since 1999, has been marking our business model.

The only PCSC in Spain that assumes its submission to the Global Compact Principles.
In August we passed the audit of Guardian Independent Certification Ltd. against the international standard for Information Security Management Systems, according to ISO/IEC 27001. 2016 Biometric signature In November the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society of the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, issued a resolution approving our secure signature creation devices eSIGN ® ANF AC.

We proceed to discontinue the Plug and Sign ® device, with more than 500,000 devices distributed without a single security incident.
SGSI Innovation 2016
2015 Beginning of introspective period In January, the Governing Board came to the conclusion that the European Union is committed to intense legislative action with the following objectives: to make the EU competitive in the Information Society and to achieve the necessary cross-border interoperability between EU member countries. All this presupposes new legal norms and more rigorous technical standards, and stricter control of the new market operators.

The challenges facing us in the immediate future are enormous and cannot be met in a rigorous manner while maintaining a commercial activity. The Governing Board orders the cessation of all commercial activity, the maintenance of customer service, and the transfer of all freed-up resources to the areas of regulatory compliance and engineering. In addition, it is ordered to develop ambitious training programs, to increase the engineering area, and to open various R&D&I lines.
SGSI Strategic decisions. In February we passed the SPG audit against the international CA Quality Management System standard, in accordance with ISO/IEC 9001. WebTrust 2016 2015
In June the State Agency of Tax Administration issues resolution agreement CON 1214/03, certifying Legal Snap Scan ® accredited solution for scanning documents, invoices, tickets, delivery notes, etc, in accordance with Order HAC/962/2007.

ANF AC is the first entity to pass the AEAT audit.
2008 For the first time a certification authority initiates the manufacturing process of electronic signature tokens that assemble USB connector and EEPROM memory.

A fully portable device that has the ability to generate signature key pairs. The user decides his PIN without third party intervention, prepares the request certificate according to the PKCS#10 standard and automates its download once the certificate is issued by the CA. It has full signing capabilities.

Given that the market at that time was prone to the use of SmartCard, this instrument was a risky and successful bet of ANF AC.
Innovation First officially accredited solution 2012 2012 2008
In February of this year and until the end of 2007, ANF AC assumes the Presidency for Spain and South America of the ebXML Committee of the OASIS / UN organization, which promotes the UBL language for electronic invoicing. In March, the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society, of the Ministry of Industry, awarded the Prize for the best Technological Project.

Our CIDE project achieves a success rate of 99.17%, with 1,876 SMEs benefiting from and integrated in the operation of electronic invoicing systems.
2005 In March, the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society, of the Ministry of Industry, awarded the Prize for the best Technological Project.

Our CIDE project achieves a success rate of 99.17%, with 1,876 SMEs benefiting from and integrated in the operation of electronic invoicing systems.
2006 2005 2006
In June, once its preparation and layout have been completed, it will be published and put on sale to the public through eCommerce channels and bookstores in Spain. In September, the Spanish Congress of Deputies used our publication Anuario Financiero del Sector de la Distribución in the development of the future law (1/2004) on business hours. 2003 2004 In March the State Agency of Tax Administration issues resolution agreement CON 1214/03, for the admission of electronic signature certificates issued by ANF as Certification Authority, in accordance with Order HAC/1181/2003.

ANF AC is the first entity to receive the approval of certificates for signing electronic invoices.
Publication of Electronic Invoicing Book 2004 2003
1999 In May, in accordance with Royal Decree Law 14/1999, on electronic signature, ANF AC notifies the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain, having the technical capacity to issue electronic certificates, and reports the start of its activity as Certification Authority. It thus becomes the first issuer in Spain.

In July, the proof of concept eCommerce NerMCP "Continuous Market of Perishable Products", carried out by the R+D+i department of ANF, receives the recognition and award of the Instituto Aragonés de Fomento.
2002 2002 1999
1995 In March, technological collaboration agreements were signed with ISO 15408 EAL 4+ certified microprocessor manufacturers, specifically with Giesecke & Devrient, Gemplus, ST Microelectrónica, and ATMEL SmartCard ICs, for access to SmartCard technology: Giesecke & Devrient, Gemplus, ST Microelectronics, and ATMEL SmartCard ICs, for access to SmartCard technology.

We created the HSM token department.
In June, the market research team conducted a study on the impact that new technologies, especially free access to the Internet, would have on commercial transactions. The conclusion of the report was conclusive and determined the creation of the R+D+I department, the true origin of ANF AC. 1997 1995 1997
The Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Alimentación, Bebidas, Droguería y Perfumería (ANF) (National Association of Food, Beverages, Drugstore and Perfumery Manufacturers) is constituted. Non-profit entity, constituted under Law 19/1977 according to Decree 873/77 of April 22, 1977 on associations.

The purpose of ANF is to defend manufacturers against common risk situations. In a period of great commercial risks and market distortion due to the presence of the large French distribution in Spain, ANF assumed for twenty years the legal representation of almost the entire agri-food industry.

Its activity was reflected in innumerable press articles that included legal interventions in Courts throughout the national territory; criminal and bankruptcy proceedings and international actions brought before the National Court.
1981 1981