Disclosure statement product
disclosure statement PDS

Qualified service for
TimeStamping with BlockChain technology

Electronic time stamps,
TSU Certificate and validation procedures

The "Time Stamping Units" have TSU Certificates to create Qualified Electronic Time Stamps (QTST).
The electronic time stamps (TST - TimeStamp Token), are qualified in compliance with the requirements of Art. 42 of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS).

You can check its inclusion in the trusted list of trusted service providers (TSL - Trusted Service List) in Spain, through the link.


The validation of the validity status of TSU certificates can be checked through the online information and query service provided by ANF AC, using OCSP protocol (according to RFC 6960), available in the location of the OCSP responder in the certificate itself.

Validation of the validity status
of TSU certificates

It can be checked through the online information and query service provided by ANF AC, using OCSP protocol (according to RFC 6960), available at the location of the OCSP responder in the certificate itself.

Secure time source
of TSU certificates

ANF AC guarantees that the clock of the TSU servers is synchronized with UTC time within the declared accuracy of more than (1) second, using secure time source (ROA) and synchronization protocol Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Hash chaining (Blockchain)

ANF AC's electronic time stamping service has been designed and developed with the principle of maximum security, whereby not even the TSA itself can create false time stamps.

To achieve this goal, the principles of Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta are followed and respected, which put for the first time a blockchain encryption protection product, the only procedure that guarantees the security of a TSA and that allows to prove it.

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