Electronic public administrations certificate
Certificates for Public Administration
Organ Seal Certificate

This type of certificate is issued to public administrations, public law bodies or entities
In accordance with Law 40/2015, and with Law 18/2011, of 5 July 2011.
For the identification and authentication of the exercise of competence and in the automated administrative action of the organisational unit belonging to an administration, body or public entity. They are used to carry out automated administrative processes and make it possible to authenticate digital resources and the documents issued by their holder.

This type of certificate allows authentication of digital assets
And documents issued by that public administration, body or entity governed by public law.
Who can apply for it?

of the competent body
Use cases
Its most common use is for the identification and signing of administrative acts by means of automated computer systems, which do not require direct intervention by the holder and can operate unassisted. Enabling automated processes in public administrations.
The case of electronic registration of incoming and outgoing documents, applications and communications:
- Documents can be submitted to the telematic register at any time of the day and the information system returns the document, or part of it, with the receipt of submission. Administrative certificates (certificates of census registration, payment certificates, certificates of being up to date with tax obligations...).
- Signing of Official Journals
- Digitisation of documents
- Issuance of certified copies of electronic documents
What documentation do I need to provide?
- ID card, passport, foreigner's identification card (TIE) or any other means admitted by law, of the representative.
- Documento de creación/constitución de la entidad (BOE o escritura pública).
- NIF de la entidad.
- Documento de nombramiento del representante.
- Certificado, con papel oficial, del secretario general (o asimilado) del departamento o dependencia en el que se acredite la continuidad en el puesto del autorizante expedido durante los diez días anteriores a la fecha de la personación.
- ID card, foreigner's identification card (TIE) or any other means admitted by law, of the representative.
- Authorization or application form authorizing the certificate applicant, signed by the representative.
- DNI, passport, foreigner identification card (TIE) or any other means admitted by law, of the authorized applicant.
- Document of creation/constitution of the entity (BOE or public deed).
- NIF of the entity.
- Appointment document of the representative.
- Certificate, on official paper, from the secretary general (or equivalent) of the department or unit certifying the continuity in the position of the authorizing party, issued during the ten days prior to the date of the appearance.