Complaints and claims
How can we help you?
Responsible: ANF Autoridad de Certificación Asociación, ANF AC
TAX ID: G63287510
Postal Address: G.V. de les Corts catalanes, 996, 4º 2ª Barcelona, 08018 Spain
Telephone: 93 266 16 14
According to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, you have the right to access, limit, rectify, oppose, delete and exercise the portability of your data. If you consider it necessary, you can file a complaint with ANF AC, or the Supervisory Authority in data protection.
You can contact our Data Protection Delegate from the form below, by telephone at 93 266 16 14, by email, by traditional mail or in person at our offices in G.V. Corts Catalanes, 996 4th floor in Barcelona. Current legal regulations require you to identify yourself to ANF AC. In this form you have an option to download a digitalized copy of your identity card.
In ANF AC we process the information provided in this form for the sole purpose of attending to the exercise of your rights. The legal basis of the treatment is the compliance with the legal obligation that determines the article, the articles in question are 6.1, c), 9, 2, b) and articles 15 to 22, all of them of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The first 2 relating to the lawfulness of the legal obligation and the following to the rights in question. The data provided will be kept for as long as the relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. We also inform you that you may exercise your rights before the Supervisory Authority."