FAQ about DPO certification

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1What are the next steps I should take once I pass the exam?

ANF AC notifies you by email the test result. In this email you will receive detailed instructions on the steps to be performed, and we also provide some links to download the documents you must sign in accordance with the DPO-AEPD Certification Scheme. Specifically:

  • Code of Ethics
  • Rules of use for the Mark of the Scheme
2What is the period of validity of the DPO certificate?
Three years.
3To renew the DPO certificate, do I have to undergo a new exam?

No, but will be necessary to justify:

• Minimum of 60 hours of training received and / or delivered during the period of validity of the certificate, requiring an annual minimum of 15 hours in subjects related to the Scheme program and,
• at least one year of professional experience in projects and / or activities and tasks related to the functions of the DPO in matters of personal data protection and / or information security, evidenced by a third party (employer or similar) ). The training given will be valued with twice the hours of the training received. Training that does not include its duration, the agenda, the training entity and the title of the training will not be assessed. In the case of not being able to justify the minimum annual training required during any of the three years required, it completion is allowed in any of the other two remaining years.

4Could the documents be sign with electronic signature?

Yes they could, as long as the requirements established by the legislation in force in electronic signatures comparable to the manuscripts are met:

a) That the signature has been prepared using an electronic signature certificate issued with the qualification of qualified.

B) That the signature has been made with a secure electronic signature creation device.

c) That the certificate issuer has an electronic signature and validation system d) The signature must incorporate a procedure (Qualified electronic time stamp) that guarantees validation of the certificate used in the preparation of the long-term signature.