Call specifications
Only for third and subsequent calls
Certified DPD examination fees according to the AEPD-DPD Certification Scheme.
*In case of withdrawal of the application or non-compliance with the prerequisites, the administrative costs of 100 euros will be deducted from the fees to be refunded.
Examination fees
Right to a second sitting in case of failure to pass the first exam, within a period of 6 months from the first sitting.
Certified DPD examination fees according to the AEPD-DPD Certification Scheme.
Only for third and subsequent calls.
Certified DPD examination fees according to the AEPD-DPD Certification Scheme.
Documents required to process the application for registration

Application form. It must be signed (electronic or handwritten signature). Download model.
Copy of your identification card DNI, Passport, residence card).
Documentation justifying compliance with prerequisites.
- Document proving the training recognized by the Certification Authority. (Document provided by the Training Entity).
- Document proving the experience in Data Protection (for professionals).Download model Annex I.
- Document that proves the experience in Data Protection (for sole or autonomous administrators of microenterprises). Download model Annex II.
If necessary and if needed; declarative model for the assessment of Additional Merits according to the AEPD-DPD Scheme. Annex I. Download model Annex III
Detailed curriculum. Download details.
Payment justification corresponding to exam fees.
Prerequisites (DPD training pathway)
To access the evaluation phase, it is necessary to comply with some of the prerequisites indicated in the AEPD-DPD Scheme. We find the following:
1Itinerary 1
Justify a professional experience of at least five years, in projects and/or activities and tasks related to the functions of the DPD in data protection matters.2Itinerary 2
Justify a professional experience of at least three years in projects and/or activities and tasks related to the functions of the DPD in data protection matters, and a minimum recognized training of 60 hours in relation to the subjects included in the program of the Scheme.3Itinerary 3
Justify a professional experience of at least two years in projects and/or activities and tasks related to the functions of the DPD in data protection matters, and a minimum recognized training of 100 hours in relation to the subjects included in the program of the Scheme.4Itinerary 4
Justify a minimum recognized training of 180 hours in relation to the subjects included in the program of the Scheme.

Training and experience acquired at national level and in the European Union will be valued. In case of not meeting the required experience, up to one year of experience may be validated through the justification of Additional Merits according to the AEPD-DPD Scheme (Annex I).
Customer support and assistance
Please contact us with any questions you may have.:
Phone: 93 266 16 14 Email: