Name Last Name Certification Date Expiration date Certificate Status Certificate Number
Oriol València Bozal 24-03-2023 23-03-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023104DPD
María del Mar Cordón Campoamor 24-03-2023 23-03-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023105DPD
Ángela Lleixà Alsina 24-03-2023 23-03-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023106DPD
Juan Jesús Cañete Barrera 03-04-2023 02-04-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023107DPD
Lur Sedeño Lizarzaburu 03-04-2023 02-04-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023108DPD
Alexandra Juanas Fabeiro 03-04-2023 02-04-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023109DPD
Cristina Medina Castro 02-05-2023 01-05-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023110DPD
Antía Penavella Casal 25-05-2023 24-05-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023111DPD
Mª Dolores Talavero Belmonte 30-05-2023 29-05-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023112DPD
Alejandro Benítez Sanjosé 30-05-2023 29-05-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023113DPD
Joan Francesc Bernadó Casals 30-06-2023 29-06-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023114DPD
Carla Albanell Buisan 30-06-2023 29-06-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023115DPD
Jesús Moreno Alonso 30-06-2023 29-06-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023116DPD
Isabel Mª Pinilla Albarrán 30-06-2023 29-06-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023117DPD
Laura Cuesta Galdón 20-07-2023 19-07-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023118DPD
Showing from 106 to 120 records.

ANF Autoridad de Certificación Asociación, ANF AC, has been accredited by ENAC to issue certificates as Data Protection Officer, according to the 1.3. version of AEPD-DPD Schema, with accreditation number 23/C-PE031.

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