Name Last Name Certification Date Expiration date Certificate Status Certificate Number
Marcos Talaván Martín 21-07-2022 20-07-2025 CONCEDIDA A202289DPD
Jesús Sanz Carnero 21-07-2022 20-07-2025 CONCEDIDA A202290DPD
Ana Isabel Salguero Sende 22-09-2022 21-09-2025 CONCEDIDA A202291DPD
Adrián Jesús Manrique de Lara Martín 22-09-2022 21-09-2025 CONCEDIDA A202292DPD
Gustavo Adolfo Calles Castro 31-10-2022 30-10-2025 CONCEDIDA A202293DPD
María Lillo Orgales 31-10-2022 30-10-2025 CONCEDIDA A202294DPD
Cristina Rey García 01-12-2022 30-11-2025 CONCEDIDA A202295DPD
Sergio Tarilonte Santos 01-12-2022 30-11-2025 CONCEDIDA A202296DPD
Abraham Camacho Solís 01-12-2022 30-11-2025 CONCEDIDA A202297DPD
Osvaldo Paúl Suárez Colín 29-12-2022 28-12-2025 CONCEDIDA A202298DPD
Jokin Elorriaga Gangoiti 27-01-2023 26-01-2026 CONCEDIDA A202399DPD
Izaskun del Pico del Palacio 23-02-2023 22-02-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023100DPD
Alba Ibarlín López 23-02-2023 22-02-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023101DPD
Patricia García Blázquez 02-03-2023 01-03-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023102DPD
Ana Mediano Velázquez 02-03-2023 01-03-2026 CONCEDIDA A2023103DPD
Showing from 91 to 105 records.

ANF Autoridad de Certificación Asociación, ANF AC, has been accredited by ENAC to issue certificates as Data Protection Officer, according to the 1.3. version of AEPD-DPD Schema, with accreditation number 23/C-PE031.

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