Name Last Name Certification Date Expiration date Certificate Status Certificate Number
Juan Estheiman Amaya Camposeco 03-05-2021 02-05-2024 RETIRADA A202159DPD
Juan Ramón Fernández López 03-05-2021 01-05-2027 RENOVADA A202160DPD
Joaquín Delibes Cadarso 12-05-2021 11-05-2024 RETIRADA A202161DPD
Irene Yebra Serrano 31-05-2021 29-05-2027 RENOVADA A202162DPD
Teresa Reyes Ortiz 04-06-2021 02-06-2027 RENOVADA A202163DPD
Alberto López Cazalilla 08-06-2021 07-06-2024 RETIRADA A202164DPD
Blanca Gutiérrez Guevara 28-06-2021 26-06-2027 RENOVADA A202165DPD
Raúl Álvarez García 28-06-2021 27-06-2024 RETIRADA A202166DPD
Marc Vives Pizá 23-07-2021 22-07-2024 CONCEDIDA A202167DPD
Jorge Alberto Morera Torres 23-07-2021 22-07-2024 CONCEDIDA A202168DPD
Alejandro Carrasco García 23-07-2021 22-07-2024 CONCEDIDA A202169DPD
Maria Antonia García Valiente 28-09-2021 27-09-2024 CONCEDIDA A202170DPD
Óscar Javier Labella Molina 28-09-2021 27-09-2024 CONCEDIDA A202171DPD
Rocío de Llobet Hernández 30-09-2021 29-09-2024 CONCEDIDA A202172DPD
Laura Aparicio Alba 27-10-2021 26-10-2024 CONCEDIDA A202173DPD
Showing from 61 to 75 records.

ANF Autoridad de Certificación Asociación, ANF AC, has been accredited by ENAC to issue certificates as Data Protection Officer, according to the 1.3. version of AEPD-DPD Schema, with accreditation number 23/C-PE031.

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