Name Last Name Certification Date Expiration date Certificate Status Certificate Number
Jesús Javier Ballesteros González 24-01-2024 23-01-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024134DPD
Sergio Girona Barroso 21-02-2024 20-02-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024135DPD
Francesc Xavier Serrano Villodres 21-03-2024 20-03-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024136DPD
Rosalía Flores López 21-03-2024 20-03-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024137DPD
Juan Carlos Sánchez Escobar 21-03-2024 20-03-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024138DPD
Lara Pellicer Arroyo 26-04-2024 25-04-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024139DPD
María Roser Ferrer Riu 26-04-2024 25-04-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024140DPD
Francisco Javier Aravena Riveros 26-04-2024 25-04-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024141DPD
Simón Ortega Calahorro 26-04-2024 25-04-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024142DPD
Juan José Gaitán Luaces 26-04-2024 25-04-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024143DPD
Alejandro Benito Otero 22-05-2024 21-05-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024144DPD
Enrique Jesús Costales Peón 22-05-2024 21-05-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024145DPD
Rocío Puente Aller 22-05-2024 21-05-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024146DPD
Carla Fuster Barjau 17-06-2024 16-06-2027 CONCEDIDA A2024147DPD
Showing from 136 to 149 records.

ANF Autoridad de Certificación Asociación, ANF AC, has been accredited by ENAC to issue certificates as Data Protection Officer, according to the 1.3. version of AEPD-DPD Schema, with accreditation number 23/C-PE031.

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